Children and adolescents are normally very resilient but will signal when they have reached their limits coping with excessive stress and change. One contributing factor is that children often feel responsible for the things that happen to them, including divorce, losses and bullying. And most children and adolescents, by virtue of their ages, do not realize that things will improve and have not developed reliable and effective methods of coping.
Children are individuals and will not all respond in the same way; however there are some signals that can guide parents. Change in behavior is the hallmark indicator. A quiet child may become loud, silly or angry. An outgoing adolescent may develop withdrawal and passivity. A normally well-behaved child suddenly exhibits defiance. An easy-going adolescent becomes anxious and avoidant. Your son or daughter may not be able to tell you what is happening to him or her.
In addition to noting the above changes, look at what has happened in your child’s life. A move to a new home and change in school, with the resultant loss of an established peer group may be more than your child can manage on his or her own. These signs should not be ignored, as they may indicate or lead to a more serious anxiety or depressive disorder if untreated.
Adjustment Disorders are often easily treated with psychotherapy and education regarding coping and stress management strategies. Contact an experienced child and adolescent therapist in your area. Most will provide a free initial phone consultation.